02-06-19 Pastor Adam Thompson I Corinthians: Called to Preach Christ Crucified
02-03-19 Pastor Adam Thompson Stepping Up: Gideon (Part 2)
02-03-19 Bruce Rice Too Much Work, Too Few Workers
01-30-19 Matt Johnson Living with Broken Gauges
01-27-19 Pastor Adam Thompson Stepping Up: Gideon (Part 1)
01-23-19 Pastor Adam Thompson I Corinthians: Called to Be Unified
01-20-19 Pastor Adam Thompson Stepping Up: Bartamaeus
01-16-19 Pastor Adam Thompson I Corinthians: Called to Be Sanctified
01-13-19 Pastor Adam Thompson Buy the Truth and Sell It Not
01-13-19 Pastor Adam Thompson Speaking the Truth in Love
12-30-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Worship in Spirit and Truth
12-30-18 Pastor Adam Thompson To the Other Side
12-26-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Personal Revival
12-23-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Walking in Truth
12-19-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Embrace the Journey
12-16-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Truth and Grace
12-16-18 Pastor Robert Simpson Jr. Reactions to the Birth of Jesus
12-09-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Thy Word is Truth
12-02-18 Pastor Adam Thompson What is Truth? (Part 2)
12-02-18 Pastor Adam Thompson What is Truth? (Part 1)
11-11-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jonah: Who Can Tell?
11-07-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jonah: The Sign of Jonah
11-04-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jonah: Running Only Leads to Hell
11-04-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jonah: God Loves You Too Much to Let You Run
10-14-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Man's Way or God's Way
10-10-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Likewise Submit Yourselves
10-07-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Trusting God with Your Finances
10-07-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Generosity
09-30-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Trust God
09-23-18 Pastor Adam Thompson For What is Your Life?
09-19-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Dealing with Disappointment
09-16-18 Scott Hanks One Thing is Needful
09-12-18 Pastor Adam Thompson The Starting Point of Repentance
09-09-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Maximizing Our Inheritance from God
09-05-18 Dan DeLong The Macedonia Call
09-02-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: City of Refuge
08-26-18 Robert Simpson Rescue with Compassion
08-15-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Nothing Left Undone
08-12-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Get Wisdom
08-12-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: When a Leader Fails to Pray
08-08-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Troubled
08-05-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: A Leader's Perspective on Jericho
08-05-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Meditate
07-29-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Lodging at Gilgal
07-29-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Leading Others Across Jordan
07-15-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Controlled or Conquered?
07-11-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Living on the Edge
07-08-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: The First Steps of Leadership
07-08-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Joshua: Spy or Messenger?
07-01-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: Called
07-01-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: The Good Old Days
06-27-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joshua: The Next Generation of Leaders
06-24-18 Pastor Adam Thompson The Scandal of Forgiveness
06-10-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Did Jesus Turn Water into Alcohol?
06-03-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Dread Makes It Impossible to Rejoice
06-03-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: The Father's Love
05-23-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Drama Makes Rejoicing Impossible
05-20-18 Pastor Adam Thompson How to Play the Fool
05-16-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Discontentment Makes Rejoicing Impossible
05-13-18 Pastor Adam Thompson As Arrows in the Hand of a Mighty Man
05-13-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Faithful Examples
05-09-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Failure of Falsehoods
05-08-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Fellowship with the Brethren
04-29-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Family of God
04-29-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Reasons to Rejoice: Furtherance of the Gospel
04-24-18 R.B. Ouellette Filled with the Spirit
04-23-18 R.B. Ouellette Trusting Jesus in the Storm
04-15-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Difficult Duties of Leadership
04-15-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Principles of Authority
04-08-18 Pastor Adam Thompson He Must Increase
03-28-18 Pastor Adam Thompson The Darkness of Calvary
03-25-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Hiding Behind the Stuff
03-25-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: A Man of Generousity
03-14-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: All These Things Are Against Me
03-11-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Men Behind The Scenes
03-07-18 Pastor Adam Thompson The Field is the World
03-04-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: See That Ye Fall Not Out By the Way
02-25-18 Robert Simpson The Dependency Test
02-14-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Who is to Blame?
02-11-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Ye Have Dwelt Here Long Enough
02-11-18 Glen Aulgur Someone is Lying
02-07-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jospeh: If Ye Be True Men
02-04-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Manhood: Lead Your Home
02-04-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: The Forgotten Man
01-28-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Tough Men Do Cry
01-21-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: A Man That Embraced Adversity
01-21-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Joseph: A Man of Integrity
01-14-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Jospeh: A Man with a Vision
01-14-18 Pastor Adam Thompson Man Your Field
01-07-18 Charles Hiltabidal The Overview of Daniel
01-07-18 Charles Hiltabidal The Middle East Conflict
01-07-18 Charles Hiltabidal In the Days of Noah
12-31-17 Donald Burdett What Would Change If You Changed?
12-27-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Biblical Manhood
12-17-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Ponder Jesus
12-13-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Supposing That He Was with Them
12-10-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Judah
12-06-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Dig Another Well
12-03-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Touched by God
11-29-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Walking in the Comfort of the Holy Ghost
11-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Despising the Birthright and the Blessing
11-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God that Prepares Us for Life and Death
11-19-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of All Blessing
11-19-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Everlasting God
11-12-17 Ted Houston Be a Soulwinner
11-08-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of the Better
11-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson A Disappointing God
10-27-17 Joel Logan A Call to Prepare
10-26-17 Joe Camilleri They Thought Wrong
10-26-17 Phil Dunn A Saviour for Your Sin
10-25-17 Brent Logan Equality in Missions
10-25-17 Paul Hamilton Under His Shadow
10-25-17 Bevans Welder For Such A Time As This
10-24-17 Joe Camilleri Faith Takes Work
10-24-17 Joel Logan Loving Our Neighbor
10-24-17 Paul Hamilton The Lily Work
10-23-17 Brent Logan What Could God Do If We Would?
10-22-17 Mike Roberts Be Thankful Unto Him
10-18-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Times and Seasons
10-15-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Our God is a Consuming Fire
10-11-17 Pastor Adam Thompson A Nation of Victims
10-08-17 Pastor Adam Thompson God: Our Righteousness
10-08-17 Pastor Adam Thompson God: The Judge of the Earth
10-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson A God of Perfect Justice
10-04-17 Pastor Adam Thompson God: The Almighty One
10-01-17 Pastor Adam Thompson God: Our Shield and Our Reward
10-01-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God That Sees All
09-24-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Separation
09-24-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Restoration
09-20-17 Brother Hayes Three Phases of Redemption
09-19-17 Brother Hayes Redemption as Proclaimed by Abraham
09-18-17 Brother Hayes Redemption as Portrayed by Isaiah
09-17-17 Brother Hayes Redemption as Personalized by Simeon
09-17-17 Brother Hayes Redemption as Perceived by Job
09-13-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Patience
09-03-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Great Grace
09-03-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Me
08-27-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Humility
08-27-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Guiding Your Children to Great Decisions
08-20-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Raising an Isaac
08-20-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Fervent Charity
08-16-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in the Faith (Part 2)
08-13-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Helping Children Stay Pure
08-09-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in the Faith (Part 1)
08-06-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Storms
08-06-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Developing in Children a Philosophy of Excellence
08-02-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Suffering
07-30-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Communicating with Your Children
07-30-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Hope
07-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Raising Godly Children in a Wicked World
07-23-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Stedfast in Holiness
07-23-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Falling from Your Own Stedfastness (Part 2)
07-19-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Falling from Your Own Stedfastness (Part 1)
07-16-17 Pastor Robert Simpson Why Jehoshephat, Why Not You?
07-09-17 Pastor Robert Simpson What to Do When You Don't Know What to Do
06-25-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Prayer of Jabez
06-18-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Bezaleel: The Spirit-Filled Builder
06-04-17 Pastor Adam Thompson God Hath Visited Us
05-28-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Grieving the Spirit with the Tongue
05-28-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Our Body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost
05-24-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Bound in Your Own Spirit or Led by the Spirit?
05-14-17 Pastor Robert Simpson Four Mothers in Scripture
05-17-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: Obedient Posts
05-10-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: A God of Perfect Justice
05-07-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: God's Plan is the Best Plan
05-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: Tomorrow
05-03-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Beauty of the Spirit-Filled Life
04-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: If I Perish, I Perish
04-23-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: Mordecai Would Now Bow
04-23-17 Pastor Adam Thompson A Spirit-Filled Mind
04-12-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: For Such a Time as This (Part 2)
04-09-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Judge Not
04-09-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Esther: For Such a Time as This (Part 1)
04-02-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Money, Money, Money
04-02-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Battling in the Spirit
03-19-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Holy Spirit and the Missionary Sending Church
03-15-17 Pastor Adam Thompson When Job Prayed for His Friends
03-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Holy Spirit and Modesty
03-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Spirit-Filled Submission
02-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Spirit-Filled Homes
02-26-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Holy Spirit and Hard Cases
02-22-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Full of the Spirit and Boldness
02-19-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Full of the Spirit and Wisdom
02-12-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Rearing Spirit-Filled Children
02-08-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
02-05-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Spirit-Filled Decisions
01-29-17 Pastor Adam Thompson Anointed by the Spirit
01-29-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Sword of the Spirit
01-22-17 Pastor Adam Thompson The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
12-27-15 Pastor Adam Thompson This Year Also
12-20-15 Pastor Adam Thompson How Do You Look at His Gifts?
12-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Thessalonica Setting the Example
12-06-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Years of the Right Hand of God
12-02-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Worn Out
11-29-15 Evangelist Raymond Barber The Power of Prayer
11-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victorious in Crisis
11-08-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Difficulties of Gratitude
11-08-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Glorify God's Great Name
10-28-15 Missionary Bob Johnston Being Focused on God
10-28-15 Pastor Bevans Welder The Gift of Eternal Life
10-28-15 Pastor Brent Logan Great Faith
10-27-15 Pastor Bob Gray II The Dreamer
10-27-15 Pastor David Duffett By Faith
10-26-15 Pastor Brent Logan Purpose: A Result of Cleaving to the Lord
10-25-15 Pastor David Duffett Give
10-25-15 Pastor David Duffett Missions in a Miracle
10-18-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Pride
10-07-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Fruit to Your Account
10-04-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Doubt
10-04-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Offense
09-30-15 Evangelist Dennis Corle How to Know All Things Are Working Together
09-29-15 Evangelist Dennis Corle Consecration
09-28-15 Evangelist Dennis Corle What Are You Doing with the Rest of Your Life?
09-27-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Bittnerness
09-20-15 Evangelist Tim Green A Tale of Two Men in the Temple
09-20-15 Evangelist Tim Green Gone Astray
09-13-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over the Flesh
09-13-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Anxiety
09-09-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Spiritual Leadership is Setting the Example
09-16-15 Pastor Adam Thompson True Yokefellows
09-06-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Victory Over Fear
09-06-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Raising Young Children
08-30-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Leadership Starts with a Right Spirit
08-30-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Time to Stand
08-16-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Without Hypocrisy
08-09-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Rules for Communication in Marriage
08-09-15 Pastor Adam Thompson This Kind Requires Fasting
08-02-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Fathers Be Vigilant
08-02-15 Pastor Joseph Crenshaw Marvel Not, God is In Control
07-19-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Happily Married
07-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Fill This Valley with Ditches
07-12-15 Pastor Adam Thompson It Is Your Turn
07-08-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Lord, Open His Eyes That He May See
07-05-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Why Sit We Here Until We Die
07-05-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Axehead is Gone
06-28-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Gehazi's Need for Affirmation
06-28-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Unknown God
06-21-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Privileges of Being a Father
06-10-15 Pastor Adam Thompson When Storms and Trials Come
05-20-15 Pastor James Knox Luke 15: The Joy of Sinners Saved
05-19-15 Pastor James Knox God Did What He Said
05-18-15 Pastor James Knox Jesus Included Me Too
05-17-14 Pastor Adam Thompson But He Was a Leper
05-17-15 Missionary Doug Sisson Little Things and Little People
05-10-15 Pastor Adam Thompson A Great Woman
05-10-15 Pastor Joe Cammilleri Women Raising a Moses
05-16-15 Pastor Adam Thompson A Few Days Late
04-21-15 Dr. R.B. Ouellette Mercy Mingled with Judgment
04-20-15 Dr. R.B. Ouellette The Golden Rule
04-19-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Beauty of Repentance
04-19-15 Pastor Adam Thompson A Sound Mind
04-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Gift of Paul's Thorn
04-05-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Power of the Resurrection
03-29-15 Pastor Adam Thompson They Watched Him There
03-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Kill the Cow, Burn the Plow
03-15-15 Pastor Adam Thompson A Lesson on Patience from David
03-01-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Proof 5: Understanding That Jesus is God
03-01-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Building Ships That Will Not Sail
02-22-15 Pastor Adam Thompson A Lesson on Respect from David
02-22-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Proof 4: Keeping His Commandments
02-15-15 Dr. Tom Williams Prayer and Faith
02-15-15 Dr. Tom Williams Prayer
02-11-15 Dr. Tom Williams A Godly Life
02-08-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Proof 3: The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
02-01-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Keep Yourselves in the Love of God
02-01-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Children Are An Heritage of the Lord
01-25-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Proof 2: Love for the Brethren
01-18-15 Pastor Adam Thompson Proof 1: A Relationship That Produces Holiness
01-14-15 Pastor Ron Ralph Inner Circle
01-13-15 Pastor Ron Ralph Lord, Increase My Faith
01-12-15 Pastor Ron Ralph He Restoreth My Soul
01-11-15 Pastor Adam Thompson The Fear Test
01-11-15 Pastor Adam Thompson God's Designated Meeting Place
01-04-15 Evangelist Randy Taylor Sr. How Did You Spend Your Year?
01-04-15 Evangelist Randy Taylor Sr. The Most Popular Pessimist
12-21-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Trophies of God's Grace
12-21-14 Pastor Adam Thompson So, This is Highly Favored?
12-17-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Leaving Your Dream at the Nile
12-14-14 Pastor Adam Thompson The Supernatural Birth of Christ
12-07-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Fire from Heaven
12-07-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Snakebit
11-23-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Seasons of Life
11-23-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Dealing with a Family Crisis
11-30-14 Dr. Raymond Barber Building for Eternity
11-30-14 Dr. Raymond Barber There is a God in Heaven
10-30-14 Pastor Tim Fellure Uriah was Faithful
10-29-14 Pastor Joel Logan Go God's Way
10-29-14 Brother Joe West Things a Church Can Lose
10-28-14 Brother Jim Fellure Justified
10-27-14 Pastor Jack Trieber Change Not
10-27-14 Brother Brent Logan Bezaleel
10-26-14 Brother Brent Logan Peculiar People
10-19-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Salt and Light
10-05-14 Pastor Adam Thompson The Sin of Anger
09-28-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Missions: God Wants You Involved
09-28-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Divine Providence
09-21-14 Pastor Rick Dawson My Testimony
09-16-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Repairing the Gates
09-07-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Men Ought Always to Pray and Not to Faint
08-31-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Abraham, The Friend of God
08-24-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Godly Women
08-24-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Great Faith
08-17-14 Pastor Adam Thompson To Whom Much is Forgiven
08-17-14 Pastor Adam Thompson They Labored for a Penny
08-10-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Life-Changing Moments
08-03-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Conformed or Transformed?
08-03-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Remember In Thy Youth
07-13-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Adjusting Our Perspective
07-09-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Holiness is Separation
07-06-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Explaining the Conscience
06-18-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Godly Fathers
07-06-14 Missionary Matt Allen Getting the Fire to Fall from God
06-22-14 Evangelist Eric Ramos Don't Look Back
06-08-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Dealing with the Desert
06-01-14 Pastor Adam Thompson God's Problem with the Prophets
05-25-14 Pastor Robby Simpson Remembering the Price for Freedom
05-18-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Almost or Altogether?
05-11-14 Pastor Adam Thompson A Spirit-filled Mother
05-04-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Fret Not
04-27-14 Pastor Robby Simpson Running in the Wrong Direction
04-22-14 Pastor R.B. Ouellette Watering the Camels
04-21-14 Pastor R.B. Ouellette Hot or Cold?
04-20-14 Pastor Adam Thompson He Arose
04-13-14 Pastor Robby Simpson What Does God See When He Sees You?
04-06-14 Pastor Adam Thompson He Loved Me, and Gave Himself for Me
04-06-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Praising Him in the Battle
03-30-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Nehushtan
03-30-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Blessed are the Persecuted
03-23-14 Pastor Robby Simpson What is Sin?
03-16-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Antioch: A Missions-Minded Church
03-16-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Did Not Our Hearts Burn Within Us?
03-09-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Living in the Last Days
03-09-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Pride
03-02-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Forgive - It's Just Pennies
02-23-14 Pastor Adam Thompson As Clay In the Potter's Hand
02-16-14 Dr. Jim Binney The Call for Aaron and Hurs
02-16-14 Dr. Jim Binney Personal Responsibility
02-09-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Jeremiah: Baruch, The Role Player
01-26-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Principles of Stewardship: Comprehension
01-19-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Jeremiah: The Importance of Repentance
01-12-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Principles of Stewardship: Commitment
01-05-14 Matt Johnson Faithful Steward
01-05-14 Pastor Adam Thompson Principles of Stewardship: Contentment
12-29-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Jeremiah's Calvary
12-08-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Hindsight, Foresight, and Insight
12-01-13 Pastor Adam Thompson God's Strength and Grace
11-24-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Difference Between Righteousness and Holiness
11-11-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Miserable Comforters
11-10-13 Pastor Adam Thompson God's Not Through with You
11-06-13 Pastor Adam Thompson For Me to Live is Christ
10-20-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Barak's Faith
10-20-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Basics of Missions Giving
10-13-13 Pastor Adam Thompson What is Wrong with Doing That Which is Right?
09-22-13 Pastor Adam Thompson What Must I Do to Be Saved?
09-15-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Great and Mighty Things
09-15-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Rahab's Faith
09-11-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Paul: The Bondservant of Christ
09-08-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Fasting
08-18-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Noah's Faith
08-11-13 Pastor Adam Thompson David's Faith
08-04-13 Pastor Adam Thompson What If God Checks Your Motives?
07-28-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Jephthah's Faith
07-28-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Faith, Prayer, and Fasting
07-24-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Inspiration and Preservation of God's Word
07-21-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Praise Ye the Lord
07-07-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Jospeh's Faith
06-30-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Two Men, Two Different Destinies
06-19-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Gideon's Faith
06-19-13 Pastor Adam Thompson There are More Between Jerusalem and Jericho
06-16-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Take the Challenge
06-16-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Abraham's Faith
06-09-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Rejoice Always
06-02-13 Pastor Adam Thompson What's Under Your Tent?
06-02-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Ruth (Part 3): Redemption Changes Everything
05-29-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Ruth (Part 2): Overwhelmed by Grace
05-26-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Ruth (Part 1): The Journey
05-22-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Determination of Faith
05-19-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Making Key Decisions at Key Moments
05-19-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Jesus: The Living Word
05-12-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Thank You Mom. Love, Samuel
05-08-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Crying Over a Coat
05-05-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Jesus the Mighty God
04-24-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Walking in the Spirit
04-21-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Are You a Professor or a Possessor?
04-12-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Excelling in Babylon
04-12-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Let It Cost Me Something
04-07-13 Pastor Adam Thompson How Did Saul Get from Here to There?
03-31-13 Pastor Adam Thompson He is Not Here, He is Risen
03-17-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Peril of Loving Ourselves
03-03-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Sin of Looking Back
02-27-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Unto Him Be Glory
02-24-13 Pastor Adam Thompson That Prayer That is Changing My Life (Part 2)
02-22-13 Pastor Adam Thompson As a King Give Unto the King
02-22-13 Pastor Adam Thompson The Forgotten Rope of Prayer
02-17-13 Pastor Adam Thompson That Prayer That is Changing My Life (Part 1)
02-17-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Forgive Others as Christ Forgave
02-10-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Marriage: One Flesh (Part 2)
02-10-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Faith is the Cure
02-06-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Dealing with Benhadad
02-03-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Holiness in the Home
01-30-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Marriage: Avoiding Bitterness
01-27-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Marriage: Choose Love
01-23-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Marriage: One Flesh (Part 1)
01-20-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Increase our Faith
01-13-13 Pastor Adam Thompson Forward by Faith
01-06-13 Pastor Robby Simpson Necessities for Longevity in the Church
12-30-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Building and Battling
12-23-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Meditating on the Word
12-23-12 Pastor Adam Thompson The Supernatural Work of the Holy Spirit
12-09-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Investing in Faithfulness
12-05-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Overwhelmed
12-02-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Paul's Personal Testimony
11-28-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Timothy: Unfeigned Faith
11-18-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Eternal Security
11-18-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Be Thankful unto Him
09-30-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Dealing with the Egypt in Me
09-18-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Do You Know God's Ways of Just His Works?
09-23-12 Pastor Adam Thompson One Greater Than Moses
09-10-12 Pastor Adam Thompson So Great Salvation
09-05-12 Pastor Adam Thompson He Prepared Not
09-02-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Turning the World Upside Down
07-29-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Living by Bible Principle
07-29-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: The Tongue
07-18-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: Correction
06-27-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: A Wise Man Increaseth Strength
06-27-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: Instruction, Reproof and Correction
06-24-12 Pastor Adam Thompson The World's Three Biggest Losers
06-17-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: The Pursuit of Wisdom
06-13-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Proverbs: The Simple One
06-10-12 Pastor Adam Thompson The Loving Kindness of God our Saviour
06-10-12 Pastor Adam Thompson A Marvelous God
03-22-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 20
02-29-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 13
02-22-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 12
02-15-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 9
02-01-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 7
01-25-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 6
01-04-12 Pastor Adam Thompson Revelation: Chapter 4